Health and Hope, from Carrollton to Kenya.
Health and Hope, from Carrollton to Kenya.

Health and Hope, from Carrollton to Kenya.

Say hello to SOS’s newest friends, Bill and Becky Humeniuk! Bill and Becky have travelled to Kenya to deliver aid 29 times! This afternoon Bill and Becky drove to the SOS warehouse from hometown in Carrollton, Kentucky to load their trailer with supplies that will be used in orphanages and clinics in Ekerongo, Kenya!

The orphanage in Ekerongo currently houses 89 orphans and is being expanded to house another 100 orphans in early 2015. There are currently two clinics that are supported by Bill and Becky’s ministry, with a third clinic to begin construction soon.

SOS supplies will serve an important role in this expansion, thanks to Bill and Becky!

Collage Bill & Becky

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