What Can Teamwork Create?

SOS In the Community

Our partnership with JCPS has taken a dramatic step forward during COVID-19 and NTI. SOS packed 500 health science teaching kits for students learning from home. We continue to support education and free or reduced-cost medical care in West Louisville as well as supporting nurses homes and first responders in the community. Our Local Health Program impacts thousands of lives – global health starts with local health and SOS is changing lives in neighborhoods across our city.




SOS Around the World

SOS has sent thousands of dollars worth of burn dressings, surgical equipment and wheelchairs to support the people of Beirut. After the devastating explosion, we were immediately sought out to assist the city with our disaster relief expertise. Our Global Health Program continues to work across the world supporting women and children and we are currently preparing shipments to Cuba, Nigeria and Ghana that will have immediate life-saving results on the communities we serve.




The World is Relying On Us!

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SOS Is Proudly MedSurplus Alliance MSA Accredited           SOS Is A BBB Accredited Charity